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Matei Zaharia on the future of Spark and MLflow
Spark and MLflow Similarities // Matei Zaharia // MLOps Podcast #155 short clip
Accelerating Production Machine Learning with MLflow - Matei Zaharia (Databricks)
Simplifying Model Management with MLflow - Matei Zaharia (Databricks) Corey Zumar (Databricks)
Matei Zaharia on ApacheSpark, MLflow, the future of MLops & advice to young researchers & engineers
The Birth and Growth of Spark: An Open Source Success Story // Matei Zaharia // MLOps Podcast #155
MLflow Infrastructure for the Complete ML Lifecycle Matei Zaharia Databricks
Future Application of Big Data by Spark creator Matei Zaharia
Deep Learning and Streaming in Apache Spark 2 x - Matei Zaharia & Sue Ann Hong
MLflow: Accelerating the Machine Learning Lifecycle by Matei Zaharia
Matei Zaharia, Stanford University Composable Parallel Processing in Apache Spark and Weld
The future of Governance and AI with Databricks CTO Matei Zaharia